ترجمة قصة رجولة ووفاء للأديبة نجاة كلش


رجولة ووفاء

بقلم: نجاة كلش.

ترجمها إلى الإنجليزية عبد اللطيف غسري


    رحل عنها زوجها وهي في ريعان الشباب ، وتركها تصارع أمواج الحياة العاتية وحيدة مع ثلاثة أطفال أكبرهم محمد في العاشرة من عمره ، وسلوى في الثامنة ، وأحمد في السادسة ، كان زوجا صالحا مخلصا ، وكان يحلم برؤية أطفاله شبابا صالحين،  مسلحين بالعلم والدّين والأدب يخدمون وطنهم بكل إخلاص..ولكنها إرادة الله..

   اضطرت أم محمد أن تبحث عن عمل مناسب؛ كي تعيل أطفالها الثلاثة ، وتحقق حلم الوالد الراحل ، الذي لم يترك لها شيئا، كونه كان عاملاً بسيطا ، بحثت كثيرا ، حتى يسّر الله لها عملا في أحد مصانع الخياطة ، عملت بجد وكدّ، وإخلاص عدة سنوات ، واستطاعت شراء ماكينة خياطة خاصة بها، وضعتها في بيتها لتخيط ليلاً لأهل الحي ، والأقارب، والجيران ، ومن يحتاجها ، عملت ليلاً ونهاراً ، حتى كبر الأطفال ، وصاروا شبابا تفتخر بهم، وحققت حلم الوالد الراحل.

   محمد يعمل الآن في إحدى الشركات ، وقد تزوج وانتقل للعيش في بيت منفصل مع زوجته وأطفاله ، وسلوى صارت معلمة جميلة ومخلصة، وهي تعيش مع زوجها في مدينة قريبة ، أما أحمد أصغرهم فهو موظف في أحد البنوك، ولم يتزوج بعد، يعيش مع والدته ، يرعاها ويقوم على خدمتها ، وتوفير مصاريف علاجها ، بعد أن أنهكتها السنون، وهي مكبّة على ماكينة الخياطة ، مضحية بصحتها ؛ كي يعيشوا حياة كريمة تقيهم ذلّ السؤال.

  حصل أحمد على عقد عمل مغرٍ خارج البلاد ، يمكّنه من الارتباط والزواج ، أخبر والدته بالأمر ، وأخذ رأيها ، فلم تمانع أبدا، بل، شجعته على السفر ، فهي تحب أن ترى له زوجة وأطفالا ، واتفق معها أن تعيش مؤقتاً، في بيت أخيه محمد لحين عودته من غربته.

  تم الاتفاق مع محمد على ذلك، ورحّب بأمه أكبر ترحيب، وفعلاً انتقلت الأم إلى بيت ابنها لتعيش مع أسرته ، وبترحيب من زوجته التي لم تمانع على وجودها.

  كان محمد يشتري لبيته كل ما تحتاجه الأسرة من طعام ولحوم وخضار وفاكهة ، وأوصى زوجته بالعناية بأمه المريضة ، وتغذيتها جيداً.

  عاشت أم محمد في بيت ابنها، ومع زوجته وأطفاله ، وكان محمد يتفقدها قبل خروجه لعمله، وبعد عودته مساء ، ويسألها عن حالها ، فترد بأنها سعيدة معهم، ولا ينقصها شيء.

  لكن محمد بعد فترة لاحظ هزالا وضعفا على صحة والدته، فأخذها للطبيب ليطمئن عليها ، أخبره الطبيب بعد فحوصات وتحاليل أنها تعاني من سوء التغذية بشكل كبير ، تعجب محمد من هذا الأمر ، فهو يشتري كل أنواع الطعام ، واللحوم ، والخضار ، والفاكهة.

   تحاور مع والدته بعد رجوعه للبيت، وعرف أن زوجته لا تقدم لها من الطعام إلا القليل من الخبز واللبن ، وأحيانا القليل من الخضار ، جنّ جنونه، وثار وغضب ، ولأن أمه لم تخبره بهذا من فترة؛ فأجابت أنها لا تريد أن تسبب له المشاكل مع زوجته.

  دخل غاضباً مستاء على زوجته، وسألها عن سبب معاملتها السيئة لأمه المريضة المسنة، فأجابت أنها لا تقدر على خدمتها ، وأنه يجب عليه إرسالها إلى بيت المسنين ، لحين عودة أخيه أحمد من السفر.

  جنّ جنونه لسماع هذا الكلام ، فهي وافقت من البداية على وجود والدته وخدمتها ، ولم تعارض أبدا، وهو أيضاً  كان يسمح لها أن تذهب لزيارة والديها، والعناية بهم وإكرامهم..ثار وصاح: هل تقبلين هذه المعاملة لوالديك ؟ لقد كنت أعتبرهم مثل والديّ، وأحترمهم.. أنتِ أسأتِ كثيرا لوالدتي المريضة ، ولم تراعي حق الله فيها ، ومن هذه اللحظة أنتِ لستِ زوجتي ، أنت محرمة علي، فمن تعامل والدتي بهذا السوء ، لن تتوانى في معاملتي بالمثل عندما أكبر، وتتراجع صحتي ، أنت لا تصلحين أن تكوني زوجة، ولا أما صالحة ، اذهبي لبيت والديك، وستصلك حقوقك كاملة.

نجاة كلش.

Manliness and faithfulness

A short story by Najat kalash

Translated from Arabic by ABDELLATIF RHESRI


She was still young when her husband had passed away. He left her fighting the turbulent waves of life alone with three children the elder of whom was the ten-year-old Mohamed. Salwa was eight, and Ahmed was six. He was a good and faithful husband, dreaming that he would see his kids grown up to be good individuals, armed with knowledge, religiousness and politeness, serving their country in all sincerity. But the will of God is prevalent.

Om Mohamed was forced to look for a suitable job so as to be able to support her three children and make the dream of their late father -who had left her nothing- come true. She searched a lot until she could get a job in a sewing factory. She worked hard, seriously and sincerely for many years. She was able to buy her own sewing machine which she put in her house in order to sew at night for the quarter inhabitants, the relatives, the neighbours and anyone who needed it. She worked night and day until the kids had grown up and become young individuals of whom she was proud. Thus, she made her late husband's dream come true.

Mohamed, now, worked in a company. He got married and moved to live in an independent house with his wife and children. Salwa became a beautiful and faithful teacher. She lived with her husband in a nearby city. Whereas Ahmed, the youngest of them, was an employee in a bank. He had not got married yet. He lived with his mother, looking after her. He was at her service earning money for her medical treatment after she had been worn down by the years working with the sewing machine, and sacrificing her health to provide them with good life and dignity.

Ahmed obtained a tempting job contract abroad which would enable him to get engaged and married. He told his mother about it and got her opinion. She never objected. She encouraged him, instead, to travel. For, she wished

to see him married and having children. They both agreed that she would stay in his brother Mohamed's house until he returned from his trip.

They got Mohamed's approval, who welcomed his mother warmly. Hence, the mother moved to her son's home to live with his family, without any objection from his wife.

 Mohamed bought everything his house and family needed; food, meat, vegetables and fruits. He recommended his wife to take care of his sick mother, and feed her well.

Om Mohamed lived in her son's home, with his wife and children. Mohamed would check on her before he went out for work and when he came back in the evening. He would ask her how she felt, and she would reply that she was happy to be with them and that she lacked nothing.

However, Mohamed noticed, after a while, that his mother was getting slimmer and weaker. So, he took her to the doctor for a check-up. The doctor informed him after close examination and analysis that she was suffering from an immense lack of nutrition. Mohamed was astonished to hear that. For, he used to buy all kinds of food, meat, vegetables and fruits.

On his return home, he conversed with his mother, and got to know that his wife had not been giving her but a little food that consisted of bread and milk, and sometimes with a few vegetables. He got terribly mad and furious. His mother had not told him about that before, because, as she said, had not wanted to cause any trouble between him and his wife.

Angry and resentful, he entered his wife's room and asked why she had been maltreating his aged mother. She answered that she could not afford to serve her, and that he should send her to an elderly home, until his brother Ahmed returned from travel.

He nearly went mad on hearing that. For, she had agreed upon his mother's stay and promised to be at her service without any objection. He, too, used to allow her to go and pay visit to her parents and look after them. He yelled furiously; "Would you approve of such a treatment for your parents? I always considered them like parents of mine and respected them. You've maltreated my mother too much. You've ignored God's commandment to be kind to her. From now on, you're no longer my wife. You're not my legitimate spouse. For, the one who dares maltreat my mother will definitely do the same to me when I become an old, ailing man. You're not good for being a wife. Go away to your parents' home. You will receive all rights soon.

5 تعليقات
إرسال تعليق
  1. م شاء الله ربنا يحفظك ويرعاكى قصه فى قمة الروعه والجمال

  2. منتهى الروعه اجمل تحيه وتقدير لروعة قلمك الجميل

  3. اللهم ارزقنا البر

  4. سلمت يداك يا استاذه

  5. ماشاء الله ،قصه لها معنى هادف
    اتمنى لك المزيد من التقدم والازدهار،،


إرسال تعليق

الاسمبريد إلكترونيرسالة