ترجمة قصة سقوط للأديب محمد فتوح


قصّة قصيرة جدّا :


بقلم: محمد فتوح

ترجمها إلى الإنجليزية عبد اللطيف غسري


     غادر العيادة منشرح الصدر...نتيجة التحاليل جيّدة...الطبيب على يقين...لا خُبث يسري في جسده...الموت بعيد...بعيد...ما زالت أمامه أعوام وأعوام من السعادة بين أحضان حياة...

دفع باب البيت...نادى " حياتي"... لم يرصد حركة... لعلّها لم تسمع...لعلّها خرجت لقضاء حاجة...

لمحها بالمطبخ...جرى نحوها..  عانقها بحرارة...احتضنته  بعطف...أحسّت بجسده يثقل بين ذراعيها...لم تقوَ على منعه من السقوط....


محمد فتوح




A very short story by MOHAMED FATOUH

Translated from Arabic by ABDELLATIF RHESRI


He left the clinic extremely relieved. The result of the analysis was good, and the doctor was sure. There was no morbid disease creeping in his body. Death seemed to be very far away. He still had many years of happiness to embrace in life.

He pushed the door open, calling; "darling". He caught sight of no motion. She might not have heard him. She might have gone out on an errand.

No! She was there. He saw her in the kitchen. He rushed towards her and hugged her warmly. She held him in her bosom with tenderness. Then, she felt his body growing heavier in her arms. She could not prevent him from collapsing.

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